How To Improve Indoor Air Quality

Last Updated on 11 months ago by Nicky Johnson

The air quality in your home is a significant concern as it affects your health. Breathing in dirty or polluted air causes respiratory problems, including asthma and bronchitis. It also aggravates allergies.

How To Improve Indoor Air Quality
How To Improve Indoor Air Quality (Image Credit Pexels)

VOCs cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. While you may not be able to control the quality of the air outside, there are a few things you can do to improve the air quality in your home. They include:

Keeping Appliances in Healthy Condition

Your appliances, including your furnace and air conditioning unit, produce carbon monoxide and other harmful gases. Have them serviced and cleaned regularly to reduce contaminants. A dirty appliance pollutes the air and doesn’t work as efficiently, costing you money.

Have AC repair done as soon as you notice any strange smells, unusual sounds, or decreased airflow. During the exercise, check whether the appliance produces any soot, which indicates it isn’t burning fuel correctly.

Improving Air Circulation

Good air circulation reduces contaminants in your home. The first step is to identify any areas where there may be poor airflow and then find a way to improve it. Also, have a professional come in and check the ductwork in your home. If there are leaks, they’ll be able to patch them up, improving the airflow.

The ventilation in your home is also crucial. Ensure enough ventilation in the kitchen and bathrooms, especially if you’re using any chemical cleaning products. Also, open the windows regularly to let in the fresh air.

Besides improving airflow, make sure the air in your home is well filtered. Some furnace filters remove up to 99% of contaminants, including mold spores, dust mites, pollen, and pet dander.

Adding Air-Purifying Plants

Some plants, such as Tillandsia, remove mild contaminants from the air. Other than this, photosynthesis increases the oxygen levels in your home, improving air quality. Choose low-maintenance plants that don’t require too much watering, such as succulents, cacti, or snake plants. Place them in your bedroom and other areas you spend most of your time.

Cleaning with Non-Toxic Products

The cleaning products you use affect the air quality in your home. Choose natural and non-toxic options whenever possible. Many eco-friendly products on the market are just as effective as traditional cleaning products but don’t contain harmful chemicals.

Make homemade cleaning solutions with ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, and lemon when on a budget. Also, request any cleaning professionals you hire to use eco-friendly products. The ventilation in your home is also crucial. Ensure there’s enough ventilation in the kitchen and bathrooms, especially if you’re using any chemical cleaning products. Also, open the windows regularly to let in the fresh air. Visit Terra Bloom, for more product options on how to reduce your ventilation costs.

Avoid Smoke Indoors

Smoke from cigarettes, fireplaces, and candles can cause indoor air pollution. If you smoke, do it outdoors. If you have a fireplace, make sure it’s vented adequately so that the smoke doesn’t seep back into the house.  When using candles, choose soy or beeswax options instead of paraffin candles, which release harmful chemicals into the air.

Avoiding Synthetic Materials

Many synthetic materials release VOCs, including carpets, paint, and furniture. Choose natural materials such as hardwood floors and organic cotton fabrics if possible. Opt for low or zero VOC paint when painting or carrying out renovations. If you must use synthetic materials, make sure to ventilate the area well.

Regularly Clean Carpets and Rugs

Pet dander, dust mites, pollen, and other allergens get trapped in carpets and rugs. Vacuum them regularly to remove contaminants. If possible, steam clean every few months to get rid of anything deep-seated. In high traffic areas, vacuum more frequently to prevent dirt and debris from building up.

Check for Mold and Mildew

Mold and mildew cause various health issues, including respiratory problems, headaches, and fatigue. If you notice any mold or mildew in your home, clean it up as soon as possible. To prevent it from coming back, maintain good ventilation in the affected area and keep it clean and dry. Resolve leaks, dampness, and condensation problems as soon as possible to prevent mold from growing.

Monitor the Humidity Levels

Ideal indoor humidity levels are between 30 and 50%. If it’s too humid, mold and mildew will grow. If it’s too dry, dust mites and static electricity become a problem. Use a humidifier or dehumidifier to maintain the ideal humidity levels in your home.

Improve Your Health and Well Being

With these tips, you’ll improve the air quality in your home and create a healthier environment. You’ll avoid frequent visits to the doctor and feel better overall. Besides, your home will smell fresher and be more pleasant to spend time in. 

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