How to Perform CPR: Doing it Right the First Time

Last Updated on 2 years ago by Nicky Johnson

CPR is a life-saving technique that can help to get someone’s heart pumping again when they’ve stopped. But it’s crucial to get this technique right the first time because there isn’t much room for error. So, here’s all the information you need to learn how to do CPR properly and why it matters so much.

What is CPR?

CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation – a life-saving technique. If someone’s heart stops beating, CPR can get it pumping again. To accomplish this, people have to do mouth-to-mouth and chest compressions periodically to circulate blood until the individual can be carted off to an urgent care center or treated in some other way.

How to Perform CPR

How to perform CPR

Performing CPR can be scary, but you must do it right the first time because someone’s life could depend on it. Here’s a step-by-step guide that will tell you how:

Step 1: Put the individual on their back

Make sure that they’re lying on their back with them facing up. You don’t want to put someone who’s already in the position down flat on their back. This way, you can use gravity to your benefit.

Step 2: Open up their airway and check for breathing

Put a hand on each side of the individual’s face to open their mouth up. Open up their airway by lifting their chin, and put your ear near the person’s mouth to see if they’re breathing. If the person’s chest isn’t moving, proceed to step three.

Step 3: Start CPR

To begin CPR, put the palm of your hand on their sternum (the bone between the breasts). Place the other hand on top of that one and press down on the sternum. After you’ve done this, compress the chest about 2 inches and release it. You can repeat this 15 times in a minute.

Step 4: Check for breathing again

Check the individual’s breathing periodically while you’re doing this to determine how effective the CPR is. If it’s not helping, you can switch to mouth-to-mouth or alter the compression rate.

Step 5: Continue CPR until help arrives

Continue performing CPR like this until help arrives or the person is in a hospital. If they’re in a hospital, an individual trained to use CPR will be able to continue the treatment and monitor the individual’s vital signs.

When should you give someone CPR?

If you see an individual lying down and not breathing or someone you think might be dying of cardiac arrest, it is crucial to call 911. Then, it is essential to begin CPR immediately until help arrives or until the person gets to a hospital.

Here are other signs that you need to perform CPR immediately:

  • Someone’s heart has stopped beating
  • They are choking on something
  • Their lips are blue or purplish
  • Their body is lifeless

Give CPR right away if you see these signs because performing CPR as quickly as possible is of the essence. It truly is a matter of life and death in such a situation. So, the next time you see someone in need of help, make sure you know how to perform CPR and do it right.

The dangers of not performing CPR correctly

CPR is a life-saving technique, but it can also be dangerous if you don’t do it right. Here are a few things that you should avoid doing at all costs:

Don’t blow into the individual’s mouth

This could force food or other debris further down the person’s throat. It could also push their tongue down and block the airway further. Instead, pinch their nose and give them two deep breaths.

Don’t pump too hard

This can break the ribs and cause other injuries. The force should never be strong enough to bounce the individual’s body off the ground or table, and you shouldn’t see their chest rise too much either.

Don’t stop CPR suddenly

If you stop doing chest compressions, the blood will pool in the person’s body, and they could start vomiting. This is bad because it might choke the person further, making them more likely to die from cardiac arrest.

Don’t pump too fast

If you do CPR too fast, it can cause fluid to build up in the person’s lungs and stop them from breathing. It also increases the risk that you’ll give them a heart attack or damage their chest. To make it easier, you could follow the beat of Stayin’ Alive by Bee Gees because it’s known to have the perfect beat for CPR.

Knowing how to perform CPR can be the difference between life and death for someone experiencing cardiac arrest. You must get the technique right, so it’s important to remember these tips when you’re performing CPR.

Of course, it will be best if you can get a certificate that officially recognizes your CPR training. This is a great way to prove that you can perform the technique properly and provide peace of mind in a difficult situation. But knowing the basics is always a good place to start.

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