Different Types of Fructose Intolerance and How to Manage Them

Last Updated on 2 years ago by Nicky Johnson

What happens when taking a fruit smoothie does not work as well as you thought? Fructose is a sugar naturally found in honey, fruits, and vegetables. This makes it almost impossible for one to avoid it. However, once you notice that your body is intolerant to fructose, you must go out of your way to ensure you keep off the fructose. The following article contains the types of fructose intolerance and how you can manage them.

Types of Fructose Intolerance

Fructose Malabsorption

Fructose malabsorption is an intolerance to fructose caused by more than one factor. These factors include a combination of genetics, lifestyle, general body health, and exposure to fructose. For people with fructose malabsorption, their bodies cannot digest fructose. This passes the fructose they take into the large intestines, which causes painful digestion.

Essential fructosuria

Essential fructosuria is another disorder caused by intolerance to fructose. However, it is very different from the other two disorders. With this one, you may have it without knowing. It is a harmless recessive disorder. This means that a child will receive it if they get the gene from both parents. If they only receive the gene from one parent, they become carriers. People with this disorder lack a liver enzyme that breaks down fructose. The better part of the story is that people with the disorder are asymptomatic and do not need any medical attention.

Hereditary Fructose Intolerance

This is the most serious disorder caused by intolerance to fructose. It usually occurs when an individual’s body cannot digest fructose and its precursors. According to research, those with the disorder lack sufficient activity of an enzyme that helps digest fructose. The undigested fructose builds up in the liver and kidneys. This leads to liver and kidney failure. Note that this disorder is usually present from birth, but the good news is that it is possible to manage it.

When Do I Need Medical Attention?

Once you know that your body is intolerant to fructose it is best for you to seek medical attention. You can figure this out by closely observing how your body reacts after eating rich in fructose meals. The doctor will perform a breath test to detect the level of hydrogen in your breath to confirm if you have the disorder. High levels of hydrogen in your breath will indicate that you have trouble digesting fructose.

How Do I Manage Intolerance to Fructose

The thing is that if the disorders are not treated or managed, they become life-threatening. You may experience growth delays, hyperventilation, a strong dislike for sweets, and jaundice. The first step you must take to manage your intolerance to fructose is by knowing which type of the three disorders you have. You need to follow a low fructose diet to manage fructose malabsorption. For the disorder caused hereditarily you need to take fructose off your diet completely.


After discovering that you are intolerant to fructose, you should not give up on your body. You can do simple things to ensure that your body is still healthy. This article has provided you with information about the three types of disorders caused by intolerance to fructose and how you can manage them.

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