Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nightcrawlers? [Explained]

Last Updated on 8 months ago by Nicky Johnson

Yes, bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers. Nightcrawlers, also known as earthworms, can be a nutritious addition to a bearded dragon’s diet. They are good protein, calcium, and other essential nutrient sources.

However, ensuring that the nightcrawlers are gut-loaded is important before feeding them to your bearded dragon. This means feeding the worms nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables for at least 24 hours before offering them to your pet.

Let’s see if bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers and how they benefit them. Here, we will also discuss the risk factors of earthworms for the bearded dragons.

Can Bearded Dragons Eat Nightcrawlers

Introduction to Bearded Dragon Diet 

Ensuring your pet’s diet is right for their health and well-being is important. A balanced diet is key to their growth, immunity, and overall health.

When it comes to what to feed your bearded dragon, think about what it eats in the wild – insects are a major energy source, plus plenty of veggies and fruits to get the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Ensure your diet meets their nutritional needs and doesn’t lead to health problems like obesity or nutrient deficiencies. Bearded dragons sometimes need to be supplemented to ensure they get all the nutrients they need.

Get your pet’s insect and vegetable diet from a reputable pet store, not wild-caught options with parasites or pesticide residue that could hurt your pet.

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Nutritional Value of Nightcrawlers for Bearded Dragons 

Reptiles like Nightcrawlers are safe for bearded dragons. Feeding nightcrawlers to bearded dragons seems like amazing food for bearded dragons. They are commonly sold in bait and tackle shops as a type of worms. These worms are mainly used to catch fish.

Most fishermen use the term angel worm and nightcrawlers as well. Beardie needs a balanced diet that includes a variety of protein sources. Bearded dragons use nightcrawlers as bait for fishing. Bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers for a variety of reasons.

Bearded dragons love earthworms because they are high in protein. Protein is an important building block for muscle growth and muscle repair. Besides protein, Beardie also needs a good supply of vitamins and minerals.

They also need calcium. Calcium is essential for healthy bones and prevents metabolic bone disease in Bearded Dragons. Feeding Bearded Dragon Nightcrawlers can also provide your bearded dragon with hydration.

Because of the high moisture content of nightcrawlers, your bearded dragon will get plenty of hydration.

However, make sure that you are feeding your bearded dragon nightcrawlers from a reputable vendor and that they are free of pesticides and chemicals that could harm your pet.

Nightcrawlers and earthworms provide 79% to 90% of water and keep the body of bearded dragons moist. Furthermore, they give a lot of minerals like calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc, and copper.

They are rich in minerals as they live in mineral-rich soil. They provide 60% protein, 16% carbohydrate, 7.8% fat, and 2% fiber.

Health Benefits and Risks of Feeding Nightcrawlers 

Nightcrawlers, also called earthworms, can offer bearded dragons a range of health benefits. Safe to consume, nightcrawlers are high in protein for the development and growth of bearded dragons.

Nightcrawlers contain a high calcium content, which helps to maintain strong bones and prevent metabolic bone diseases. Additionally, the soft texture of earthworms makes them easier for bearded dragons to digest, thus reducing the likelihood of digestive issues.

 Nevertheless, knowing the risks associated with nightcrawler feeding to bearded dragons is important. Some earthworms may be contaminated with toxins from pesticides or other sources.

One of the main risks is overfeeding, as these worms are known for their voracious appetite. Overfeeding can lead to an overabundance of organic matter in the environment, which can disrupt the balance of the ecosystem.

Furthermore, overfeeding can lead to the decomposition of uneaten food and the release of harmful gases, such as ammonia, that can harm the worms. Nightcrawlers are an excellent food that dragons can be fed.

The quality of the food also plays a role in the safety of the worms, as nightcrawlers are predisposed to eating decaying organic matter, including fruits and vegetables.

If the food is treated with pesticides or contains other potentially harmful chemicals, it is essential to ensure that the worms are fed safe and free food.

They can also eat parasite-infested worms. Ultimately, it can be beneficial to provide nightcrawlers in certain circumstances. However, proper feeding techniques should be followed to ensure a healthy worm population.

Can bearded dragons eat nightcrawlers? 

The answer is yes, you can give bearded dragons to eat nightcrawlers. Nightcrawlers are a great source of nutrition. Bearded dragons possess an omnivorous diet and can consume various foods, such as earthworms.

Earthworms are also the best nutrient food. They provide bearded dragons protein, calcium, and vitamins, making them a beneficial addition to their diet. However, it should be noted that not all bearded dragons will accept nightcrawlers.

Gut-loading ensures that the worms provide optimal nutrition to your bearded dragon. Don’t collect the worms from outside. You can also give your pet nightcrawlers and red worms as food for your bearded dragons.

Baby bearded dragons should be given smaller and more easily digestible insects, such as different types of earthworms, crickets, or small mealworms.

Some may not be interested in eating them or need help digesting them. If any signs of discomfort arise or the dragon refuses to consume the nightcrawler, it is advisable to stop feeding the dragon. 

How many Nightcrawlers can a bearded dragon eat?

 The number of nightcrawlers to bearded dragons depends on their size, age, and appetite. As a general rule, baby bearded dragons should be fed smaller insects. Parasites and small mealworms are some of their best foods, as their digestive systems are not fully developed.

Their diet can gradually increase as they grow to accommodate larger insects. It is better to give them earthworms collected from the wild places. Feeding your beardie nightcrawlers is quite interesting.

You can provide your pet about 20 to 60 earthworms per week. Adult bearded dragons can typically handle larger prey items, including nightcrawlers. However, it is important to not overfeed them and monitor their weight to prevent obesity.

It is crucial to provide a balanced diet for bearded dragons, including various insects like nightcrawlers or earthworms, vegetables, and fruit harvested from the wild to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients for their overall health and well-being. 

Can Beardie eat wild worms? 

Juvenile bearded dragons have specific dietary needs, and providing them with a well-balanced and nutritious diet is important. While bearded dragons do eat earthworms, it is necessary to exercise caution when introducing worms to your bearded dragon’s diet.

Wild worms, such as earthworms or nightcrawlers, may carry parasites or be exposed to pesticides or other harmful substances. It is important to ensure that the worms you feed your bearded dragon are sourced from a reputable supplier.

Feeding nightcrawlers to your bearded dragon in moderation can be part of a varied diet. Otherwise, it would become toxic to bearded dragons. You can feed them two worms daily. 

Can Beardie eat bait worms and wax worms?

Many ask: Can I feed my bearded dragon with wax and bait worms? Yes, your pet bearded dragons, especially baby dragons, can eat bait and wax worms, including nightcrawlers.

However, it is important to remember that bearded dragons don’t rely solely on these worms as their main diet. Feeding them various feeder insects, greens, and vegetables is recommended to ensure a balanced and nutritious diet.

If you choose to provide nightcrawlers to bearded dragons, it is important to ensure the bearded dragons eat worms that are the appropriate size and have been gut-loaded or fed a nutritious diet themselves.

When feeding, bearded dragons have a preference for moving prey items. It is also important to note that the space between their eyes can be a helpful guide to determining the appropriate size of prey to feed them nightcrawlers. 

Alternatives to Nightcrawlers for your bearded dragons

 If you’re looking for alternatives to worms for your bearded dragons, several foods are available. Dubia roaches are a popular choice, as they are nutrient-dense and have a good calcium-to-phosphorus ratio.

They are also low in fat and high in protein, making them a healthy choice for your reptile. Another option is crickets, which are readily available and easy to feed.

They are also protein-rich, but be sure to gut-load them with nutritious food before offering them to your bearded dragon.

Superworms are another alternative that can be provided as a treat, as they are high in fat and should not be fed as a staple food. They can make your bearded dragons healthy.


 In conclusion, bearded dragons can eat nightcrawlers as long as they are properly prepared and balanced with other nutritious foods.

Nightcrawlers are a good source of protein for these reptiles but should not be their sole diet. It is important to remember that bearded dragons are omnivores and require a varied diet to meet all their nutritional needs.

While nightcrawlers can be a healthy occasional treat, they should not make up most of the dragon’s diet. Ensuring that the nightcrawlers are properly gut-loaded and free from any chemicals or contaminants is also essential.

Consulting with a reptile veterinarian or nutritionist is recommended to ensure the bearded dragon’s diet is well-rounded and meets its specific requirements. 

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