Interesting Ways To Capture The Highlights Of Your Vacation — Are There Really Other Options Besides Photos?

Last Updated on 1 year ago by Nicky Johnson

Vacations are meant to be a time when you can relax and just enjoy yourself. But what if you want to record your experience? In this post, I’ll explore some interesting ways that you can capture the highlights of your vacation without relying on photos alone.

Interesting Ways To Capture The Highlights Of Your Vacation

Bubble Wrap Painting

Bubble wrap painting is a great way to capture the highlights of your vacation. You can do it with anyone, anywhere, and it doesn’t require much in terms of supplies or skill. All you need is some paint and bubble wrap!

To get started, just gather up as much bubble wrap as possible (you’ll want more than one sheet). Then roll out the sheets on an apartment surface like a table or floor so that they’re all facing upward and ready to paint with their shiny sides facing down toward you.

Next up: grab your brush and start painting! You may want to choose colors that match what was happening around you during the experience being captured–for instance if there were flowers involved then maybe use pinkish-reds; if there was snow then try blues or whites; etc.–but really any hue will work here since this isn’t meant as an exact replica but rather just something fun that captures its essence visually while also being unique enough not be confused with any other artwork in one’s collection.

Writing (journal, novel, haiku)

Writing is a great way to capture the highlights of your vacation. You can write an entire diary or write about specific people you met on the trip, or even just about the experience itself. It doesn’t have to be fancy – a simple blog post later will suffice! And if you are a teacher, then your blog can be considered a chance to get free essays online for students, where they will find ideas for their future work thanks to you!

It’s a great idea to write down what you do and see on your trip, especially if it’s a long one. It can be hard to remember details later, so writing them down will help you remember things like where you went and who was there with you. Alternatively, you can write an entire diary or write about specific people you met on the trip, or even just about the experience itself. It doesn’t have to be fancy – a simple blog post later will suffice!

Use Your Senses

The best way to capture the highlights of your vacation is by using all of your senses. You can use smell, touch, sight, and hearing (and even taste).

For example: If you’re at the beach or lakefront and there’s a cool breeze coming off the water – take in that smell! It will remind you of being there when you are back home looking at pictures later on. Or if someone gives their child an ice cream cone while they are sitting on their blanket in front of an open field full of wildflowers–that will be something worth remembering because these experiences will help bring back memories when looking at photos later on.

Sketching and Drawing

Sketching and drawing is a great ways to capture the essence of a place. It can be done in a variety of mediums, from pencil to charcoal and watercolor. You can also use it without reference material or just with pen and paper if you want to keep things simple.

Drawing helps you slow down and really look at your surroundings – it helps you pay attention to details that might otherwise pass by unnoticed because they’re so familiar or ordinary: the shape of someone’s face as they smile, the way light bounces off water, what colors are reflected off leaves during different seasons…

Interview people (on the street)

Interviewing people is a great way to capture the highlights of your vacation. You can ask them about their lives, what they think about local politics and culture, or even just ask them what they like best about living in that area.

You will need to get comfortable asking questions before you can interview someone. If this makes you nervous, practice by talking with friends back home first! Once you have gotten used to asking questions and listening carefully for answers–and how people respond when asked something–it will be much easier for both parties involved during an interview in person.

If possible (and if it doesn’t feel too awkward), record everything on video so that later on down the road when looking back over photos from this trip there are other memories besides just those captured by photographs alone!

Make videos!

Videos are a great way to share your vacation with friends and family. It’s also a great way to remember the highlights of your trip or just specific things that you want to remember. You can make videos of anything you like; maybe you took some photos at a particular location and want them in video format as well. Or maybe there was something funny that happened while on vacation, and now it will be even funnier when seen in motion rather than still images.

Whatever it is that motivates you to shoot video instead of stills, there are many easy ways for creating quality work from scratch – or even editing existing content into something more memorable!

There are so many ways to record the highlights of a vacation or experience.

When you think about it, there are so many different things that can be used to record a memory. There are so many ways to record the highlights of a vacation or experience. You could take photos with your phone or digital camera, write in a journal, make videos and even create scrapbooks. But what about other options? Are there really other options besides photos?

The short answer is yes! There are so many different ways you can capture memories. And one of them could be right for you!


Whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, it’s important to find ways to capture the highlights. It doesn’t have to be just photos-you can use your senses, draw or paint, and write a novel or haiku poem about your experience. The point is that there are so many different ways!

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