How Long Does it Take for SEO to Work?

Last Updated on 6 months ago by Nicky Johnson

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the chances of your website being seen by potential customers in search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, or other engines. Using content that is aimed toward your target audience technique of marketing is common practice with most modern online businesses.

How Long Does it Take for SEO to Work

How Long Does SEO Take to Work?

But the question is – how long does it take to start working?

It can take up to six months for an SEO campaign to begin yielding results. There are many potential reasons for this but one of them is that Google considers a number of criteria before ranking search results. There are often hundreds if not thousands of websites competing for the same pole position in the Google charts.

Criteria for Ranking High on Google

To reach the dizzy heights of the Google search engine list and beat the competitors, several criteria must be met.

Website Quality

Firstly, we should examine the page itself. Does it meet the needs of the customer base and does it satisfy searcher’s needs better than other pages, of a similar nature, do?

Is your shopfront better than competitors?

Content Quality

Then we need to consider content. Is your content helpful and trustworthy? Is it ethical? Humorous? Does it seem familiar and comfortable as a landing spot?

Working with SEO Agencies

Search Engine Optimization taskmasters are waiting for you at King Kong, a leading agency with all the solutions. Online digital marketing agencies understand Google’s complex ranking systems and spread campaigns over various areas to create the most effective results. To see the best SEO results over time a lot of content creation, analysis, and adapting must be taken onboard.

Consistent Effort for Consistent Results

In theory, it is possible to optimize a page and see results within days or even hours but to see consistent results will take months of consistent effort with content creation over a variety of media blogs, and websites.

Some websites, let us not forget, see ordinary organic traffic due to their originality or unique voice. But for most sites, a high ranking is only achieved after a long consistent campaign.

Keyword Difficulty

Keywords are critical, and some keywords are more in demand than others. Low-hanging fruit keywords are easier to achieve results with as opposed to the peaches at the top of the tree.

So, there’s no simple answer other than the more competitive your business the longer and harder you will have to work at SEO. Smaller markets take far less time and effort.

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