How To Flare A Baseball Glove: A Step-by-step Guide

Do you have a baseball glove that just doesn’t fit right? Maybe it’s too big in the finger stalls or too small in the palm. In this article, we will show you how to flare a baseball glove to fit perfectly.

What is Flaring?

 Flaring is a technique used to adjust the size of a baseball glove. It is done by stretching the material on the inside of the glove. It is the process of adding extra leather to the palm of a baseball glove. It makes the glove more durable and provides a better grip on the ball.

Also, read this: Why Do Baseball Games Start At Odd Times?

Find the Right Tool

There are a few tools that you need for this job.

  • ​An oven
  • The glove
  • Oil
  • Shoelaces
  • ​A baseball

Remove the Stitches

Now, it’s time to remove the stitches.

To do this:

  1. Take a pair of shoelaces and tie one end around the stitch closest to the index finger.
  2. Connect the other end of the shoelace around another stitch on the opposite side of your glove.
  3. Pull tight on both ends of the shoelace to remove the stitch.
  4. Repeat this process for all stitches on your baseball glove.
How To Flare A Baseball Glove

 Flatten the Glove

Now, it’s time to flatten the glove. Take a piece of paper and place it inside the glove. Then, use your hands to flatten the paper evenly throughout the glove. Make the Flares Now, it’s time to make the flares. To do this, take a piece of paper and draw a line down its center. Then, use your marker to make small flares along the drawn line. 

Add More Width to the Fingers

 Now, it’s time to add more width to the fingers of your baseball glove. To do this, take a piece of paper and draw a line down its center. Then, use your marker to make more giant flares along the drawn line.

Reduce the Length of the Palm and fingers

 Now, it’s time to reduce the length of the palm and fingers of your baseball glove. To do this, take a piece of paper and draw a line down its center. Then, use your marker to make more minor flares along the drawn line.

Finishing Touches

It’s time to finish touches on your baseball glove. To do this:

  1. Take a piece of tape and place it along the seams of the glove.
  2. Use your hands to tape the seams together.
  3. Use your marker to write “flared” on top of the index finger of your glove.

How to Flare a Baseball Glove: Steps

You need to take a few steps to flare your baseball glove. By following these simple steps, you will create a more robust glove and have a better grip.

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Take your baseball glove in your hand and spread the fingers wide open.
  • With a marker, draw a line down the middle of the index finger on the glove.
  • From here, flare each finger outwards by making small circles with your marker.
  • Finally, close up the index finger and thumb of the glove by drawing a line across them from where you marked in step 2
  • Now, take your oven and place it on the middle rack.
  • Put the baseball glove in the oven and wait for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes have passed, take the baseball glove out of the oven and let it cool down for a few minutes.
  • Now, use a hot iron to heat the index finger of your baseball glove until it becomes flexible (it should become slightly pink).
  • Once it is flexible, use your marker to write “flared” on top of the index finger of your glove.
  • Repeat steps 7-9 for each finger on your baseball glove.

There are many ways to flare a baseball glove, so be creative and experiment!

Also read: Softball Glove Vs Baseball Glove

Benefits Of Flaring

  • Flaring your baseball glove will increase the grip strength and overall feel of the glove.
  • It will also help protect the hand from injuries in case of a collision.
  • Flaring of the glove allows for a greater surface area to catch a ball.
  • Flaring is most helpful for infielders because the shallow pocket allows for a quicker transition from the glove to the hand, making it easier to make short throws across the diamond.
  • There is no one right way to flare a baseball glove. It will likely depend on your position.

Tips for Flaring Baseball Glove

  • Please make sure the oven is at the correct temperature before placing the baseball glove in it.
  • Wait 10 minutes after taking the baseball glove out of the oven before using a hot iron to heat the index finger.
  • If the finger becomes too pink, it has been overheated and should be cooled before continuing. Be careful not to burn yourself while heating the glove.
  • Do not use an iron on the other fingers of the glove.
  • If you accidentally heat one of the other fingers, wait 10 minutes and try again.
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Frequently Asked Questions

What can I use instead of glove oil?

You can use cooking oil, baby oil, or any other type of oil.

Will shaving cream break with baseball gloves?

 No, shaving cream will not break baseball gloves.

Can I flare my baseball glove if I don’t have a marker?

Yes, you can use a Sharpie or any other type of marker.

Can I flare my baseball glove if it’s wet?

No, you cannot flare your baseball glove if it is wet.

Why do baseball players round their gloved thumbs?

There is no one correct answer to this question. Some baseball players round their thumbs because it makes it easier to grip the ball. Others round their thumbs because it looks better.


You can do it yourself now that you know how to flair a baseball glove. It’s not difficult, and it will make your glove look more professional.

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