What You Should Know Before Getting Hip Replacement Surgery

Last Updated on 9 months ago by Nicky Johnson

Hip replacement surgery is a common and effective procedure to relieve pain and restore mobility in individuals suffering from severe hip joint damage.

Whether due to arthritis, injury, or other degenerative conditions, this surgical option has proven to be life-changing for many patients.

According to the Cleveland Clinic, more than 300,000 people fracture a hip yearly in the US. In many cases, those injured need a permanent solution to this problem. That’s why they opt for hip replacement surgery. 

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, around 2.2 million hip and knee procedures were conducted in the US in 2021. The number of people getting such surgeries in the US and the rest of the world is increasing.

However, like any major medical procedure, getting hip replacement surgery requires careful consideration and understanding.

This article will explore some of the essential things you should know before undergoing hip replacement surgery.

Hip Replacement Surgery

Candidacy and Consultation

Hip replacement surgery is typically recommended for individuals experiencing chronic hip pain and limited mobility, significantly affecting their daily lives. However, only some people with hip pain are immediate candidates for the surgery.

Physicians will assess several factors, including the severity of joint damage, age, overall health, and lifestyle, before determining whether surgery is the best course of action.

During the consultation, be open and honest with your orthopedic surgeon about your symptoms, medical history, and any underlying health conditions.

Additionally, discuss your expectations from the surgery and inquire about potential risks and complications associated with the procedure. 

This comprehensive discussion will help you decide whether hip replacement surgery is the right option for you.

Preparing for Surgery and Recovery

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, it can take around two to four weeks to recover from hip replacement surgery. Preparing for hip replacement surgery is crucial for a smooth procedure and successful recovery. Your surgeon will provide specific instructions on pre-surgery preparations, which may include:

  • Managing any underlying health conditions to reduce surgical risks.
  • Stopping certain medications that can interfere with blood clotting.
  • Undergoing necessary medical tests and screenings.
  • Engaging in physical therapy to improve muscle strength before the surgery.

Furthermore, preparing your home for post-operative recovery is essential. Create a comfortable and safe space with necessary aids, such as a raised toilet seat, handrails, and a reacher to avoid excessive bending.

Risks and Complications

While hip replacement surgery is generally safe and successful, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks.

Common complications may include infection, blood clots, hip joint dislocation, nerve damage, and implant-related issues.

However, it’s essential to remember that serious complications are rare, and your surgeon and medical team will take every precaution to minimize risks.

You must also be aware of the hip implants you’re opting for. Recently, it was revealed on the TorHoerman Law website that a few Exactech hip implants were recalled following reports of injury. The recalls were issued due to product defects. 

This, in turn, led to the Exactech hip replacement lawsuit. As per this lawsuit, those injured upon being given a hip implant with an Exactech liner and were subsequently injured are qualified to seek legal action. The Exactech lawsuits are expected to be upwards of $100,000. 

You need to be aware of such risks and avoid opting for an implant with a record of causing injuries and other health problems. 

Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy

The success of hip replacement surgery is not solely dependent on the procedure itself; it also requires active participation in rehabilitation and physical therapy. After surgery, you must undergo a carefully structured rehabilitation program to regain strength, flexibility, and mobility in your hip joint.

Physical therapy will play a crucial role in helping you achieve these goals. Your therapist will guide you through exercises to improve hip stability, gait, and range of motion. Adhering to the rehabilitation plan is vital for a quicker and more successful recovery.

Long-Term Expectations and Lifestyle Changes

While hip replacement surgery can greatly improve the overall quality of your life, you must set realistic expectations once you get it done. Many patients experience long-lasting relief after surgery.

However, the longevity of the artificial joint depends on various factors, including age, activity level, and adherence to medical advice.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle, including regular exercise, a balanced diet, and avoiding excessive stress on the hip joint, can extend the life of the prosthetic joint. Engaging in low-impact activities like swimming, walking, and cycling while avoiding high-impact sports can be beneficial.


Getting hip replacement surgery is a good option if you’re having trouble with your back or hips. However, before you do, make sure you keep tabs on the things discussed above. Doing so will help you maintain your expectations from the surgery itself and help you navigate the procedure and post-recovery. 

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