How to Safely Induce Vomiting: Expert Tips and Precautions for Emergency Situations

Vomiting is the best process to eliminate the toxin and harmful thi ngs in your stomach. When you throw up, you feel relieved. Vomiting is “the forcible voluntary or involuntary action of throwing up stomach material through your mouth,” described here.

Use Your Finger For Throwing Up


It is the most common, easy, and effective method to make yourself throw up. The simplest thing you should do is just put your finger in your mouth, press it, and push it to the back of your throat. It works amazingly.

It shows results in just 2 to 3 minutes. And you just throw up and cleans your stomach with harmful materials. Unfortunately, if this simple trick does not work, repeat this process several times until the result is shown.

When you feel like vomit, then remove your finger from your mouth. One more thing you should remember is never to forget to wash your hands after this whole process.


Drink Luke’s Warm Water Mixed With Salt


Another effective method for throwing up is to take a glass of Luke’s warm water mixed with 2 to 4 spoons of salt. When you drink this salt-mixed water, it causes you to vomit.

The reason is that an excessive amount of sodium chloride ( NaCl ) cannot be digested when it reaches your stomach. Your stomach can’t accept such an excessive amount of salt.

So, this method surely works, and you will quickly throw up. If it does not work, wait at least half an hour after drinking this saltwater.

Take Warm Water Mixed With Mustard Oil


It is a great homemade method to make yourself throw up. For this purpose, you need a glass of warm water and mix a spoonful of mustard oil or mustard paste, which you can use. 

Just mix it and drink it as quickly as you can because mustard oil makes the taste of water unpleasant. This makes water smelly, and it is a difficult task to drink it. 

But when you drink this warm water very quickly, It will help you to throw up quickly and quickly. In some cases, this method gives results instantly; in rare cases, this method takes 20 to 30 minutes to work and give results. 

Take Emetics


Emetics are medicinal drugs that are used to induce vomiting. These emetics are most frequently in the form of syrup. An excellent example of emetic syrup is ipecac syrupThey are also available in the form of emetic tablets. 

The method to use these medicines is here. If you take the syrup, mix it in water and then take a long gulp. Or if you are taking tablets, you should obviously take them with water. 

These medicines, when reaches your stomach, cause the walls of your stomach to contract, and you feel like vomiting and throw up all your stomach contents in no time.

Doctors say cleaning your stomach toxins and harmful materials is a safe way. But they also recommend avoiding taking them because these medicines also have some side effects like:

  1. Low Blood Pressure
  2. Dizziness
  3. Fast And Low Heart Beat

Hence it would be best if you tried to avoid taking these medicines and adopt natural and homemade methods to make yourself throw up

If you still want to use these emetic medicines, please don’t take them without the permission of your family physician. 

Take Blood Root Herb

This is a herb that is used to make yourself throw up. This herb is used to mix an estimated amount of herb in water and drink it. It is the fastest way to vomit. 

But the intake of this herb could be dangerous for you in some cases. Taking a larger dose of bloodroot herb can cause fatal diseases and symptoms like foot pain and tunnel vision. So, it is better to take this bloodroot herb cautiously; otherwise, avoid it. 

Over Eating

Overeating means that you eat too much, which is beyond your stomach’s carrying capacity, and your stomach becomes overextending. It can cause your stomach to vomit and maintain its original position. But take greater care when you are using the trick of overeating. 

If you fill your stomach with junk food, it will damage, cause problems in the digestive system, and can also cause pain in the stomach. If you want to use this trick, always use natural food like shakes, juices, fruits, and vegetables.

You Use Tooth Brush Instead Of Finger

As I mentioned earlier, the method to throw up is using a finger. You can use your toothbrush if you don’t want to use your finger. The method is the same as that of the process of a finger. 

First, before using, carefully wash your toothbrush and place it in your mouth, causing it to rub on your tongue. It causes you to vomit and throw up. If this process does not work, repeat it repeatedly until you get the results. 

Watch Others Doing Vomit


It is a function of our sensory system when you see someone vomiting, your mind and body, in turn, respond to that action. So, it is the best method.

Do Gargles With Egg White

You all are familiar with the smell and taste of raw eggs. Its taste is unpleasant. When you do gargles the egg white, it causes you to quickly spit it out and throw up to remove your stomach material.

For throwing upbeat, the egg whites of 3 to 4 eggs and gargle with it. It is a safe and quick way to induce vomiting. In the past, people used this method to cause patients to vomit, which accidentally became the victim of poison intake. 

Expose Yourself To Bad Smells

This is also an effective method for making yourself throw up. Some people’s brains quickly respond to bad and unpleasant smells causing them to vomit. You can also try this trick.


These methods mentioned above can help you how to make yourself throw up. All these tricks are tried and tested. They are easy and simple and show you your desired results in seconds and minutes. 

If you have any difficulty reading this or any query, comment below. I will surely reply to your queries.

Frequently Ask The Question

Will Inducing Vomiting Help Nausea?

Vomiting is the body’s natural defense against germs, poisons, and drugs. Many may want to induce vomiting to relieve nausea, whether the origin is an illness or an alcohol-like drug. Some induce vomiting when they feel they’ve over-consumed. It’s a symptom of an eating disorder.

Does Drinking Warm Salt Water Make You Throw Up?

Drinking more than enough salt water can create a problem. The use of salt water to vomit is called condition hypernatremia. The saltwater is used to induce vomiting.

How Do You Throw Up When You Feel Nauseous?

Here are some suggestions when you feel nauseated: avoid foods that are difficult to digest. When you feel ill with the aroma of hot food, try eating fresh and cold meals.

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