Transforming Your Look With Double Eyelid Surgery

Last Updated on 1 year ago by Nicky Johnson

Adding a double eyelid crease can help define the eyes and give the face balance. It can also allow you to apply makeup more easily. Achieving this cosmetic goal is possible with minimally invasive surgery. Your doctor will use sutures to close the incision and leave a barely visible scar after a week of recovery.


A double eyelid crease adds a delicate definition to the eyes that can help to emphasize their natural prominence. It can also help to create balance and harmony between the upper portion of the face and the rest of the facial features.

Additionally, it can diminish the drooping of the skin around the eyes, known as “puffiness,” and give the facial features a more defined canvas on which makeup can be applied more efficiently.

Several methods can be used to create a double eyelid fold; the most appropriate option will depend on each patient’s specific needs. For example, the stitch technique, which involves passing sutures through tiny holes in the eyelid skin, is less invasive than traditional incisional blepharoplasty. Still, it is only suitable for patients with no excess fat or skin.

Other techniques involve making an incision in the upper eyelid skin, which is ideal for those who need to remove fat or reduce extra skin. The open method is also suitable for patients with thin skin who might have spontaneous blepharoplasty-like folding of their upper eyelid skin, and it is an appropriate choice when the goal is to create a permanent crease in the eyelid. 


Before your procedure, a thorough consultation will determine the type and height of eyelid crease you desire. A physical examination and a discussion of your medical history will be performed, including any medications you currently take (particularly blood thinners).

It is important to note that smoking must be stopped for a week before surgery to minimize the risk of bleeding. Your surgeon at Wave Plastic Surgery will review the various methods for creating a new eyelid crease.

Incisional techniques involve the removal of excess fat and skin, and as such, they tend to produce more visible scars than non-incisional methods. However, most patients find that the scars are cosmetically acceptable.

The suture method involves no incisions and utilizes tiny holes and sutures to mimic fibrous attachments naturally in double eyelids. It is best for younger patients with minimal to no excess fat in their upper eyelids.

However, this method may not be as resilient as incisional techniques and can lead to a lower-than-desired eyelid crease.

Additionally, using sutures can create an unnatural palpebral fissure slant angle, making your eyes appear too large or too small. Some surgeons use a more advanced surgical technique, the DST technique (double-sided stitching), to produce highly natural results without incision.


The procedure, also called blepharoplasty, creates a natural-looking eyelid crease where there is none currently. It can make the eyes appear larger and more expressive. It can also correct sagging or puffiness. It can be performed on the upper or lower eyelids.

It’s essential to have a full consultation with your surgeon to discuss your goals and the procedure in detail. You’ll also need to disclose your medical history and current health. During the surgery, you will be sedated and comfortable throughout the process. This will be done either via IV or with a local anesthetic.

The procedure takes two to three hours, depending on your unique needs. After the procedure, you’ll spend a short time in a recovery room while your doctor monitors you for any complications. You will then be discharged to recover at home. Before leaving the clinic, you’ll receive instructions for eye care.

They include putting on special eye drops or ointments and applying cool compresses. Your doctor also recommends that you take some acetaminophen to manage any pain. It’s essential to keep in mind that your eyelids will likely be swollen and bruised for about a week following the procedure.

This is normal. The swelling should subside within a fortnight as the incisions heal. During this time, you must avoid rigorously rubbing or scrubbing the area around your eyes.


Your eyes are a focal point in your face, and having a natural-looking eyelid crease can dramatically enhance your appearance. It can also help you look more awake and refreshed and bring balance to the facial features that frame them for a harmonious overall appearance.

Some patients may also find that their makeup is more accessible to apply. Your surgeon will recommend a treatment for your unique needs. This typically depends on the degree of excess skin and your desired outcome.

Some techniques offer minimal incisions, while others are more invasive. The choice will be made during a consultation. Incisional double-eyelid surgery involves creating a surgical crease in the upper eyelid by cutting through the skin and orbicularis muscle and then removing the extra fat from that area.

After the procedure, you will have a more defined and expressive eye. Some patients who have this procedure may experience minor swelling for a few weeks after the procedure, but it will usually resolve quickly.

Another type of procedure is called the stab technique, which can be performed without making an incision in the skin. This method utilizes a 7-0 silk suture inserted through the skin below the incision line and then passed through the pretarsal fascia horizontally.

The thread is then crossed with another thread in a square shape that replicates the muscular mechanism of the natural double-eyelid fold. This technique allows for less bruising and faster recovery than traditional incisional blepharoplasty.

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